Serene Mother

A Mae Serena

by Anna Nogueira Nicolau

This drawing was made with charcoal when I was probably around 15 years old. I had no other inspiration for it other than my fascination with the female body and maternity.

Tranquil Baby

O bebe sereno

By Anna Nogueira Nicolau

I made this sketch of my youngest brother watching TV with his usual serene look, seeking comfort in his dummy, tucked in the corner of the sofa with his hands interlocked together. I knew he could move at anytime and I was eager to capture that moment so I quickly sketched him using a black pen.

This drawing is as simple as it should be. Any more might have taken away from the serenity and spontaneity of the moment.

Posted in Pen

Eyes of a Child

Olhos de crianca

By Anna Nogueira Nicolau

This pastel drawing is part of the drawings made in my teenage years. Having made for school projects it is one of the drawings that I had to cut away from a much larger sheet of paper as you might notice on the edges.

Nevertheless it is one of my favourite drawings. I never liked filling a sheet with colour mainly due to my impatience to complete a drawing once I begin, but also due to the non-necessity of a background to such a simple subject to this drawing.

A Place of Our Own

Um canto somente nosso

By Anna Nogueira Nicolau

This charcoal drawing was inspired by the work of an artist I once knew in Northern Ireland. Once I came across some of her pieces portraying houses in which she had lived throughout her life I could not wait to do the same.

I have lived in so many interesting places. Born and raised in Brazil, having lived in at least 3 different cities there, later to live in a beautiful country house in Northern Ireland. But it was not until me and my partner rented our first unfurnished apartment together that I truly felt I was home. I could be me and embrace being me.

A little corner with my favourite coffee tree made out of a tree trunked oozed my personality out of every crack. By it were a mosaic made by my mother and given to me as a present, my favourite blue glass vase and my art set. That little corner in that apartment was the biggest piece of me in that house.

Under a Warm Moon

Sob uma Lua Quente

By Anna Nogueira Nicolau

This drawing of me and a summer romance was made entirely with felt tip pens and colourful writing pens. It had as much time devoted to intricate detail as I have ever done.

I hope to continue in that path and be more patient with my art from now on.